About US

Axia3 ProDigestive was carefully formulated to address digestive comfort and promote optimal gut health, using a precise combination of ingredients like sodium bicarbonate and calcium carbonate, as well as a robust blend of digestive enzymes.

The formula includes just the right amount of sodium bicarbonate and calcium carbonate to neutralize stomach acid and provide relief from heartburn. These two ingredients work synergistically to balance the pH levels in your stomach, effectively reducing acid reflux and creating a more comfortable digestive environment.

But the innovation doesn't stop there. Axia3 ProDigestive also contains five essential digestive enzymes that function like a team of worker bees, each playing a critical role in breaking down different food groups:

  1. Amylase – Breaks down carbohydrates into simpler sugars, making them easier to absorb.
  2. Lipase – Helps to digest fats, ensuring your body can process and utilize them effectively.
  3. Cellulase – Breaks down cellulose, a type of fiber found in plant-based foods, that we typically can't digest on our own.
  4. Lactase – Aids in the digestion of lactose, the sugar found in dairy, for those who are lactose intolerant.
  5. Protease – Breaks down proteins into amino acids, ensuring that your body can absorb the nutrients it needs for energy and muscle repair.

After heartburn is neutralized by the bicarbonates, these enzymes take over, breaking down the food you’ve consumed into its most absorbable components. Together, these ingredients help optimize digestion, reduce bloating, and support overall gut health. The balance between the neutralizing agents and the enzymes is key to making the product both effective and gentle on the digestive system.